Picture of Mary Ann Cataldo

Hi, I’m Mary!

I am a culinary strategist who helps female professionals fuel their bodies on a busy schedule.

Here’s a bit about my journey.....

Growing up in an Italian household, food was often the focal point of celebrations, events, and quite frankly, even the day-to-day. We ate dinner at home, with family, at the dinner table each night. It was a time to chat about our days, exchange a good laugh, and enjoy a delicious home cooked meal.

As I approached high school, I began to resent the Italian meals my mother would make, and instead would beg her to make processed, convenience foods that were popular amongst my friends.

As I grew up I emulated my parents work habits. I worked hard and a lot, often with more than 2 jobs on the go. As I moved into leadership roles, they came with a heavy load of responsibilities. I was on call 24/7, in the evenings, and on my days off I worked from home. Not to mention that my own personal health took a back seat. I was on the Yo-Yo diet hamster wheel, constantly gaining weight and then heavily restricting myself to lose it.

It was at this point that I realized I was not alone. I worked with so many women who were going through the same thing. Fad diets, emotional eating, skipping meals, etc.

I was tired of being tired, and decided it was time to face my own health and wellness head on!

I took everything I learned in culinary school, nutrition, and my Italian culture and created my For the Love of Food Method. This method is now what I teach to my clients to help ditch the diet culture mindset and go from overwhelmed to organized in the kitchen. Now, I'm on a mission to help as many women as possible bring fun back to the kitchen!




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